Chapter 2 Data Sources

Our data come from, which contains current job postings available on the City of New York’s official jobs site

Mingrui is responsible for looking for and collecting the data. Since the data can be directly exported from the website as a .csv file, there is no major obstacle for us when gathering the data. After downloading the data from the website, we use the built-in read.csv method to read and store the data as a data frame for future manipulation.

This data frame has 3040 observations of 28 variables. Each entry represents a job posting on the website, while the columns represent the information about each job, including Business Title, Salary Range, Job Description, etc.

The only problem about the data is that in the origin .csv file, there are plenty of empty entries. Therefore, when we read data from the file and store as a data frame, we fill all these blank entries with NAs.